Free, Fast, Simple, and Effective.

That's the kind of studying you get when you join Vocabustudy.

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You must be at least 13 years old to use an account, or you must have permission from a parent/guardian.You must be at least 13 or have parental permission to use an account.
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Credits - Vocabustudy

Vocabustudy is part of a group of applications called the For Zero Applications.

For Zero is a project to create helpful, student-conscious applications that are completely free and transform student life. Thank you for being on our journey!

Vocabustudy was built with the following:

  • Thank you to everybody who reports bugs. Your reports help us make Vocabustudy better.
  • Thank you to all moderators and helpers on the Vocabustudy Discord Server.


Vocabustudy Discord Server

Have you joined our Discord server yet? There's free homework help, support, bots, and more!

The server in completely student-run, and Nikhil, Omkar, and Siddhant do not endorse it. The server is moderation by Nikhil Gupta, Omkar Patil, and Ruhan Gupta, in addition to our team of moderators and helpers.

For any questions about the Discord server, please contact "OP#1192" or "Nikhilatvocabustudy#4578" in Discord, or email

If you wish to join, you can join here.


Check out our YouTube channel here!

Our channel is a work in progress, so we don't have much content as of now. However, we'll be adding more content soon, so stay tuned!

What is Vocabustudy

Learn Vocabulary,
For Free.

  • 100% Free
  • No Ads
  • Relevant Vocab

Created by Siddhant Kameswar




  • Multiple Study Modes
    Don't like flashcards? You can take a mock test, match terms, and more!Flashcards, learn, test, and match
  • Collections
    Transform your learning with designed collections of vocab sets.Find sets about a specific topic
  • Effective Test Prep
    Ace your test with customized sets for your classes.Find sets about relevant topics
  • A For Zero Application
    Fast, simple, effective, and completely free.Forever free
  • Study Guides
    Learn and quiz yourself about a topicLearning and quizzing combined